
Welcome to Four Eyes Forum, a meeting place to exchange news and views on food, food photography, the word on food, food science, style and architecture. Join me, the blogger who wears glasses, in this world as I throw out engaging stuff that I think you'll find interesting, beautiful and delicious. As Charles Dudley Warner, American editor and writer, said,
"Lettuce, like conversation, requires a good deal
of oil, to avoid friction, and keep the company
smooth....You can put anything, and the more
things the better, into salad, as into a conver-
sation, but everything depends upon the skill of

That's my job.

(All photographs, unless otherwise cited, copyright
Kristin Halgedahl Photography 2016)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

From Sea To Inland Sea

Traverse City, Michigan, my new home and food base. Why, you San Franciscans ask? Does this picture answer your question? Memory and economics have driven this move.

Lake Michigan looking south toward Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore

If you still don't get it, read Wallace Stegner's essay, "A Sense Of Place."  Once you have found it, never let it go, as the sentiment runs in South Pacific.These are the Great Lakes, America's fresh water, inland seas. Nothing carnivorous swimming out there! So I came.  I cooked my way through the long winter and have come out successfully on the other side. Spring at last, and you and I can now resume our culinary dialogue. From a place that's quite similar, gastronomically, to the Bay Area, actually. This is farm country, and fish country, and foraging country and wine country. And when the land awakens in the spring, it has the rhythm of an earthquake. Mild rocking could already be felt at the farmers' market last Saturday. Although, for the sake of an overview, I'm simply going to offer a gallery that celebrates my nine months here.
Then I'm going to commence introducing you to the extraordinary existent eateries and drinkeries, and the people behind them, I've discovered so far. Fair enough? Hang on, here we go. Enjoy!

"First parents of the human race,
whose gourmandism is historical,
you lost all for an apple."

--Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
French politician and writer
Corn here belied the national drought last summer.
Cabbages shot last September.

Sunflowers, always. CSA Programs abound.

The best eggs! We're talkin' $3 a dozen.
Love Traverse City prices!
Beans, of course. Thank you; everywhere.
Stuff from the woods!
Even soap-on-a-rope...
Beer soap from
Forever Summer Soaps,
Traverse City.
Who knew? Brew?

The best bread I've ever eaten. Slipper Bread, from Patisserie Amie of Traverse City.

All kinds of vendors sell Lavender products. Wonderful!
I use this salt on EVERYTHING!
And on and on and on we'll go. I would never have moved here if it weren't a foodie destination. (I have the San Francisco Bay Area to thank for that tuition)  It is. I'm staying. 
                                                                       Stay with me.

(images copyright Kristin Halgedahl Photography, 2013)