
Welcome to Four Eyes Forum, a meeting place to exchange news and views on food, food photography, the word on food, food science, style and architecture. Join me, the blogger who wears glasses, in this world as I throw out engaging stuff that I think you'll find interesting, beautiful and delicious. As Charles Dudley Warner, American editor and writer, said,
"Lettuce, like conversation, requires a good deal
of oil, to avoid friction, and keep the company
smooth....You can put anything, and the more
things the better, into salad, as into a conver-
sation, but everything depends upon the skill of

That's my job.

(All photographs, unless otherwise cited, copyright
Kristin Halgedahl Photography 2016)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Best Thing I Ate On The Fourth Of July Was…

O.k., something new here. You tell me. Send me a picture and explain why. Perhaps it was something you don't usually eat on this holiday. Or, something familiar done another way. Or, you tried a new recipe, and it rocked! In any case, let's have some fun with this.
I'm waiting.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th Anniversary, Four Eyes!

It's the fourth of July and that means this blog is four years young! There's a wonderful pin on Pinterest that says, "Nobody reads your blog." I saw it the first time and laughed and laughed. Then I looked again and got paranoid…what if nobody reads it? Turns out there's no need to worry. Now, thanks to analytics, I know that 11, 726 people have read it, so there! Yes, yes, a small audience, but an appreciative one. So onward we go; numbers will grow. It is about the photography, after all, and the capture of my most-loved subject, food. So tonight, when I hear the fireworks over the bay, I'll know they're not really about our nation, but  for me! Therefore, here's a quiet lake bouquet, loads of good champagne, and chocolate, always chocolate. I've earned it. 

Woodland Bouquet

Outside The Box

Chocolate Flowers CIA, St. Helena, CA

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Brunch Idea, 2014

Take plenty of these. 

Mix with lots of this.

And plenty of these.
And these.

Add crab, if you're lucky!

And you've got one fabulous frittata for your Fathers Day celebration!

Bon Appetit!

(all photographs copyright Kristin Halgedahl Photography, 2014)